华尔街日报 微软发布Windows Phone 8智能手机操作系统








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Microsoft Moves to Bolster Smartphone Software

微软发布Windows Phone 8智能手机操作系统



Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) on Wednesday disclosed plans to overhaul its struggling Windows Phone software, unifying the underlying technology with its new computer operating system and adding features for mobile payments.

微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)周三宣布,计划对其正举步维艰的Windows Phone手机操作系统软件进行更新,让该软件的核心技术与微软新推出的个人电脑操作系统实现统一,此外还将为Windows Phone手机增加移动支付功能。

The new Windows Phone 8 software, revealed at an event for developers in San Francisco, is expected to arrive on smartphones that go on sale this autumn. Microsoft declined to give a more-specific launch date.

相关报道微软平板电脑Surface的深层影响微软发布平板电脑 欲与iPad竞争关于微软Surface平板电脑的疑问微软在旧金山举办的一次软件开发者活动上介绍了名为Windows Phone 8的新操作系统,预计搭载这一系统的智能手机将于今年秋天面市。微软拒绝透露更具体的发布时间。

Microsoft said there will be Windows Phone 8 devices from Nokia Corp. (NOK, NOK1V.HE), HTC Corp. (2498.TW), Samsung Electronics Co. (005930.SE) and Huawei Technologies Co., which have used the current Windows Phone 7 version on their handsets.

微软说,诺基亚(Nokia Corp.)宏达国际(HTC Corp.)三星(Samsung Electronics Co.)和华为(Huawei Technologies Co.)都将推出Windows Phone 8手机。这些企业已经推出了搭载当前的Windows Phone 7操作系统的手持设备。

'We will have the best device lineup we've ever had before,' said Terry Myerson, head of the Windows Phone group.

微软负责Windows Phone开发的副总裁梅尔森(Terry Myerson)说,我们将拥有超越以往的最棒的设备。

The current version of Microsoft's phone software evolved from Windows CE, an operating system that the company has offered for more than 10 years for phones and other devices.

目前的微软手机软件版本是在Windows CE的基础上开发的,微软向手机和其他设备生产商提供Windows CE操作系统已经有10多年的时间了。

With the new version, Microsoft is shifting to a kernel of software that shares technology with Windows 8, a update of Microsoft's operating systems for personal computers that is being adapted to work on tablet computers, too.

由于这一新版手机操作系统的推出,微软手机操作系统的软件内核将转而与微软的个人电脑操作系统Windows 8使用同样的技术。Windows 8是微软个人电脑操作系统的最新版本,微软正在努力使其能同时应用于平板设备。

Microsoft said the shift will make it easier for software developers to more easily create applications for both Windows-powered personal computers and Windows Phone, and help developers with applications for Apple Inc.'s (AAPL) iPhone or devices powered by Google Inc.'s (GOOG) Android software to make those work on Windows Phone devices.

微软表示,这一努力将更有利于应用程序开发人员开发可同时应用于Windows个人电脑和Windows智能手机上的产品,并能够帮助开发人员将苹果(Apple Inc.)iPhone和谷歌(Google Inc.)安卓(Android)手机上的应用程序移植到Windows Phone设备上。

Microsoft is also allowing developers to create what the industry calls 'native' applications, which will allow them to create more-advanced videogame software, among other things.

Marianna Day Massey/Zuma Press图片:微软硬件家族的杰作与败笔微软还将允许开发人员开发专门应用于Windows手机的应用程序,这样一来,开发人员将有机会推出更高端的视频游戏软件和其他产品。

The support of developers--which have helped to propel the popularity of Android and iPhone--is essential for Windows Phone, which has miniscule market share and lacks many of the games or other popular software on Android and iPhone.

来自软件开发者的支持曾经助长了人们对安卓手机和iPhone的喜爱,开发人员的支持对于Windows Phone也至关重要。Windows Phone目前的市场份额仍然微不足道,而且也不具备许多安卓手机和iPhone所拥有的游戏和其他受欢迎的应用程序。

Microsoft on Wednesday also disclosed plans to add some popular apps, including Zynga Inc.'s (ZNGA) Words with Friends and Draw Something, a Pictionary-like game that Zynga recently acquired.

微软公司周三还透露,计划为Windows手机操作系统增加一些受欢迎的应用程序,如Zynga Inc.推出的Words with Friends 和Draw Something。Draw Something是Zynga最近收购的一款画图猜词游戏。

Handsets that use the new Windows Phone 8 operating system will come with built-in mapping technology from Nokia, Microsoft's key partner in the smartphone market, the company said.

微软公司表示,新的Windows Phone 8手机将内置诺基亚(Nokia)提供的地图功能。诺基亚是微软在智能手机市场的重要合作伙伴。

Microsoft, with a nod to an iPhone feature called Siri--also showed off speech-recognition software that developers can harness to let users launch and control apps with their voice, 'something Siri just now is learning to do,' said Kevin Gallo, head of developer platform for Windows Phone.

微软还展示了一款语音识别软件,此举代表了微软对iPhone Siri功能的肯定。开发者能够利用这一软件开发出用户可以用语音启动和控制的应用程序。Windows Phone开发者平台的负责人加洛(Kevin Gallo)说,Siri现在正在学习这种方法。

The company also disclosed a new 'digital wallet' for Windows Phone--a mobile-payment option--that will store consumers' credit-card information and loyalty-card information.

此外,微软还披露了Windows Phone新“电子钱包”(digital wallet)的情况,这是一个移动支付选配功能,可存储消费者的信用卡和忠诚卡信息。

Google's Android also has a similar service, Google Wallet, and Apple recently introduced a service to store loyalty-card information and coupons. Many people believed the service was a precursor to a mobile-payments service.

谷歌的安卓系统也提供类似服务,名为谷歌钱包(Google Wallet),而苹果前不久也推出了一项可存储忠诚卡信息和购物券的服务。很多人认为,这预示着苹果也将提供移动支付服务。

Such mobile-payments systems have been limited because a slew of wireless carriers, merchants and credit-card companies all have to agree to support such services.


Microsoft said it will allow apps to tap the mobile-payment options, which will work with technology called near-field communication, or NFC, which links short-range wireless data transfers between a phone and a base NFC reader.


Microsoft Corporate Vice President Joe Belfiore said France Telecom SA's (FTE, FTE.FR) Orange will be the first wireless carrier to support the new Windows Phone digital wallet this autumn. Mr. Belfiore said Microsoft is talking to U.S. carriers but they won't support the digital-wallet feature until next year at the earliest.

微软副总裁贝尔菲奥尔(Joe Belfiore)说,法国电信(France Telecom SA)旗下的Orange将是今年秋季支持Windows Phone新电子钱包的首个无线运营商。贝尔菲奥尔说,微软正在跟美国运营商谈判,但它们最早也要到明年才会支持这个电子钱包功能。

Mr. Belfiore said the Windows Phone offering will be 'the most complete wallet experience on any smartphone this fall.'

贝尔菲奥尔说,Windows Phone手机将成为今年秋季所有智能手机中可为消费者带来最全面电子钱包体验的手机。

It's unclear whether the new operating system and other developments will help Microsoft make a dent in the smartphone category dominated by Apple and Google. Together, those two companies powered eight out of every 10 smartphones shipped globally in the first quarter, according to research firm IDC. Nearly two years after Windows Phone devices first went on sale, Microsoft's market share in smartphones is about 5%.

目前还不清楚的是,这个新操作系统以及其它功能是否会帮助微软在苹果和谷歌主导的智能手机领域取得进展。研究机构IDC的数据显示,今年第一季度全球发货的每10部智能手机中有八部搭载的都是苹果或谷歌的操作系统。Windows Phone产品首次上市至今已近两年,而微软在智能手机市场上的份额仅为5%左右。

Microsoft also said it will add a feature many developers sought: a system to let Windows Phone users make purchases inside apps. Many developers have found success making videogame apps free and then selling add-ons--for extra characters or songs, for example--once those people are playing the game.

微软还说,将增加一个很多程序开发人员曾经希望的功能:一个让Windows Phone用户在程序内购物的系统。很多开发人员免费提供视频游戏程序,只要用户一旦开始玩这个游戏,它们便可向用户出售附加装置,这种装置可以是更多的游戏角色,也可以是歌曲。很多开发人员通过这种方式获得了成功。

Microsoft has long said Windows Phone will support such in-app purchases, but it hadn't yet made it available. Microsoft also said there are now 100,000 apps available for Windows Phone, which compares to half a million or more apps for iPhone or Android.

微软一直说,Windows Phone将支持这类程序内购买活动,但至今还没有提供具体服务。微软还说,目前有10万个应用程序可供Windows Phone使用,而供iPhone或安卓手机使用的程序多达50万个或更多。

Kevin Shields, a Nokia senior vice president, spoke at the event about new or updated apps the company is rolling out, starting next week, for Windows Phone devices. Among the new apps are 'PlayTo,' which moves photos, video and music from the phone to some connected TVs, and a 'Counter' app to keep tabs on data and minutes usage.

诺基亚高级副总裁希尔兹(Kevin Shields)在活动现场谈到了该公司即将为Windows Phone产品推出的新程序或更新版程序,这些程序将于下周开始发布。其中有一款新程序叫做PlayTo,用户可将照片视频和音乐从手机移到其他与之相连的电视机上,还有一款Counter程序,可对数据和时间的使用情况进行跟踪记录。

Mr. Shields said the software efforts, including an updated maps app, are 'proof points of Nokia's commitment' to Windows Phone.

希尔兹说,努力开发这些软件(包括地图程序的更新)是诺基亚投身于Windows Phone的明证。

Shira Ovide

Shira Ovide