Acts 使徒行传 chapter 18/28








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25:1 So Festus, having come into that part of the country which was under his rule, after three days went up to Jerusalem from Caesarea.

25:1 非斯都到了任,过了三天,就从该撒利亚上耶路撒冷去。

25:2 And the chief priests and the chief men of the Jews made statements against Paul,

25:2 祭司长,和犹太人的首领,向他控告保罗,

25:3 Requesting Festus to give effect to their design against him, and send him to Jerusalem, when they would be waiting to put him to death on the way.

25:3 又央告他,求他的情,将保罗提到耶路撒冷来。他们要在路上埋伏杀害他。

25:4 But Festus, in answer, said that Paul was being kept in prison at Caesarea, and that in a short time he himself was going there.

25:4 非斯都却回答说,保罗押在该撒利亚,我自己快要往那里去。

25:5 So, he said, let those who have authority among you go with me, and if there is any wrong in the man, let them make a statement against him.

25:5 又说,你们中间有权势的人,与我一同下去,那人若有什么不是,就可以告他。

25:6 And when he had been with them not more than eight or ten days, he went down to Caesarea; and on the day after, he took his place on the judge's seat, and sent for Paul.

25:6 非斯都在他们那里,住了不过十天八天,就下该撒利亚去。第二天坐堂,吩咐将保罗提上来。

25:7 And when he came, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem came round him, and made all sorts of serious statements against him, which were not supported by the facts.

25:7 保罗来了,那些从耶路撒冷下来的犹太人,周围站着,将许多重大的事控告他,都是不能证实的。

25:8 Then Paul, in his answer to them, said, I have done no wrong against the law of the Jews, or against the Temple, or against Caesar.

25:8 保罗分诉说,无论犹太人的律法,或是圣殿,或是该撒,我都没有干犯。

25:9 But Festus, desiring to get the approval of the Jews, said to Paul, Will you go up to Jerusalem, and be judged before me there in connection with these things?

25:9 但非斯都要讨犹太人的喜欢,就问保罗说,你愿意上耶路撒冷去,在那里听我审断这事吗?

25:10 And Paul said, I am before the seat of Caesar's authority where it is right for me to be judged: I have done no wrong to the Jews, as you are well able to see.

25:10 保罗说,我站在该撒的堂前,这就是我应当受审的地方。我向犹太人并没有行过什么不义的事,这也是你明明知道的。

25:11 If, then, I am a wrongdoer and there is a cause of death in me, I am ready for death: if it is not as they say against me, no man may give me up to them. Let my cause come before Caesar.

25:11 我若行了不义的事,犯了什么该死的罪,就是死,我也不辞。他们所告我的事若都不实,就没有人可以把我交给他们。我要上告于该撒。

25:12 Then Festus, having had a discussion with the Jews, made answer, You have said, Let my cause come before Caesar; to Caesar you will go.

25:12 非斯都和议会商量了,就说,你既上告于该撒,可以往该撒那里去。

25:13 Now when some days had gone by, King Agrippa and Bernice came to Caesarea and went to see Festus.

25:13 过了些日子,亚基帕王,和百尼基氏,来到该撒利亚,问非斯都安。

25:14 And as they were there for some days, Festus gave them Paul's story, saying, There is a certain man here who was put in prison by Felix:

25:14 在那里住了多日,非斯都将保罗的事告诉王,说,这里有一个人,是腓力斯留在监里的。

25:15 Against whom the chief priests and the rulers of the Jews made a statement when I was at Jerusalem, requesting me to give a decision against him.

25:15 我在耶路撒冷的时候,祭司长和犹太的长老,将他的事禀报了我,求我定他的罪。

25:16 To whom I gave answer that it is not the Roman way to give a man up, till he has been face to face with those who are attacking him, and has had a chance to give an answer to the statements made against him.

25:16 我对他们说,无论什么人,被告还没有和原告对质,未得机会分诉所告他的事,就先定他的罪,这不是罗马人的条例。

25:17 So, when they had come together here, straight away, on the day after, I took my place on the judge's seat and sent for the man.

25:17 及至他们都来到这里,我就不耽延,第二天便坐堂,吩咐把那人提上来。

25:18 But when they got up they said nothing about such crimes as I had in mind:

25:18 告他的人站着告他。所告的,并没有我所逆料的那等恶事。

25:19 But had certain questions against him in connection with their religion, and about one Jesus, now dead, who, Paul said, was living.

25:19 不过是有几样辩论,为他们自己敬鬼神的事,又为一个人名叫耶稣,是已经死了,保罗却说他是活着的。

25:20 And as I had not enough knowledge for the discussion of these things, I made the suggestion to him to go to Jerusalem and be judged there.

25:20 这些事当怎样究问,我心里作难。所以问他说,你愿意上耶路撒冷去,在那里为这些事听审吗?

25:21 But when Paul made a request that he might be judged by Caesar, I gave orders for him to be kept till I might send him to Caesar.

25:21 但保罗求我留下,他要听皇上审断,我就吩咐把他留下,等我解他到该撒那里去。

25:22 And Agrippa said to Festus, I have a desire to give the man a hearing myself. Tomorrow, he said, you may give him a hearing.

25:22 亚基帕对非斯都说,我自己也愿听这人辩论。非斯都说,明天你可以听。

25:23 So on the day after, when Agrippa and Bernice in great glory had come into the public place of hearing, with the chief of the army and the chief men of the town, at the order of Festus, Paul was sent for.

25:23 第二天,亚基帕和百尼基大张威势而来,同着众千夫长,和城里的尊贵人,进了公厅。非斯都吩咐一声,就有人将保罗带进来。

25:24 And Festus said, King Agrippa, and all those who are present here with us, you see this man, about whom all the Jews have made protests to me, at Jerusalem and in this place, saying that it is not right for him to be living any longer.

25:24 非斯都说,亚基帕王,和在这里的诸位阿,你们看这人,就是一切犹太人在耶路撒冷,和这里,曾向我恳求,呼叫说,不可容他再活着。

25:25 But, in my opinion, there is no cause of death in him, and as he himself has made a request to be judged by Caesar, I have said that I would send him.

25:25 但我查明他没有犯什么该死的罪。并且他自己上告于皇帝,所以我定意把他解去

25:26 But I have no certain account of him to send to Caesar. So I have sent for him to come before you, and specially before you, King Agrippa, so that after the business has been gone into, I may have something to put in writing.

25:26 论到这人,我没有确实的事,可以奏明主上。因此我带他到你们面前,也特意带他到你亚基帕王面前,为要在查问之后,有所陈奏。

25:27 For it seems to me against reason to send a prisoner without making clear what there is against him.

25:27 据我看来,解送囚犯,不指明他的罪案,是不合理的。