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2:1 If then there is any comfort in Christ, any help given by love, any uniting of hearts in the Spirit, any loving mercies and pity,
2:1 所以在基督里若有什么劝勉,爱心有什么安慰,圣灵有什么交通,心中有什么慈悲怜悯,
2:2 Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in harmony and of one mind;
2:2 你们就要意念相同,爱心相同,有一样的心思,有一样的意念,使我的喜乐可以满足。
2:3 Doing nothing through envy or through pride, but with low thoughts of self let everyone take others to be better than himself;
2:3 凡事不可结党,不可贪图虚浮的荣耀。只要存心谦卑,各人看别人比自己强。
2:4 Not looking everyone to his private good, but keeping in mind the things of others.
2:4 各人不要单顾自己的事,也要顾别人的事。
2:5 Let this mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus,
2:5 你们当以基督耶稣的心为心。
2:6 To whom, though himself in the form of God, it did not seem that to take for oneself was to be like God;
2:6 他本有神的形像,不以自己与神同等为强夺的。
2:7 But he made himself as nothing, taking the form of a servant, being made like men;
2:7 反倒虚己,取了奴仆的形像,成为人的样式。
2:8 And being seen in form as a man, he took the lowest place, and let himself be put to death, even the death of the cross.
2:8 既有人的样子,就自己卑微,存心顺服,以至于死,且死在十字架上。
2:9 For this reason God has put him in the highest place and has given to him the name which is greater than every name;
2:9 所以神将他升为至高,又赐给他那超乎万名之上的名,
2:10 So that at the name of Jesus every knee may be bent, of those in heaven and those on earth and those in the underworld,
2:10 叫一切在天上的,地上的,和地底下的,因耶稣的名,无不屈膝,
2:11 And that every tongue may give witness that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
2:11 无不口称耶稣基督为主,使荣耀归与父神。
2:12 So then, my loved ones, as you have at all times done what I say, not only when I am present, but now much more when I am not with you, give yourselves to working out your salvation with fear in your hearts;
2:12 这样看来,我亲爱的弟兄你们既是常顺服的,不但我在你们那里,就是我如今不在你们那里,更是顺服的,就当恐惧战兢,作成你们得救的工夫。
2:13 For it is God who is the cause of your desires and of your acts, for his good pleasure.
2:13 因为你们立志行事,都是神在你们心里运行,为要成就他的美意。
2:14 Do all things without protests and arguments;
2:14 凡所行的,都不要发怨言,起争论,
2:15 So that you may be holy and gentle, children of God without sin in a twisted and foolish generation, among whom you are seen as lights in the world,
2:15 使你们无可指摘,诚实无伪,在这弯曲悖谬的世代,作神无瑕疵的儿女。你们显在这世代中,好像明光照耀,
2:16 Offering the word of life; so that I may have glory in you in the day of Christ, because my running was not for nothing and my work was not without effect.
2:16 将生命的道表明出来,叫我在基督的日子,好夸我没有空跑,也没有徒劳。
2:17 And even if I am offered like a drink offering, giving myself for the cause and work of your faith, I am glad and have joy with you all:
2:17 我以你们的信心为供献的祭物。我若被浇奠在其上,也是喜乐,并且与你们众人一同喜乐。
2:18 And in the same way do you be glad and have a part in my joy.
2:18 你们也要照样喜乐,并且与我一同喜乐。
2:19 But I am hoping in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you before long, so that I may be comforted when I have news of you.
2:19 我靠主耶稣指望快打发提摩太去见你们,叫我知道你们的事,心里就得着安慰。
2:20 For I have no man of like mind who will truly have care for you.
2:20 因为我没有别人与我同心,实在挂念你们的事。
2:21 For they all go after what is theirs, not after the things of Christ.
2:21 别人都求自己的事,并不求耶稣基督的事。
2:22 But his quality is clear to you; how, as a child is to its father, so he was a help to me in the work of the good news.
2:22 但你们知道提摩太的明证,他兴旺福音与我同劳,待我像儿子待父亲一样。
2:23 Him then I am hoping to send as quickly as possible, when I am able to see how things will go for me:
2:23 所以我一看出我的事要怎样了结,就盼望立刻打发他去。
2:24 But I have faith in the Lord that I myself will come before long.
2:24 但我靠着主,自信我也必快去。
2:25 But it seemed to me necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, who has taken part with me in the work and in the fight, and your servant, sent by you for help in my need;
2:25 然而我想必须打发以巴弗提到你们那里去。他是我的兄弟,与我一同作工,一同当兵,是你们所差遣的,也是供给我需用的。
2:26 Because his heart was with you all, and he was greatly troubled because you had news that he was ill:
2:26 他很想念你们众人,并且极其难过,因为你们听见他病了。
2:27 For in fact he was ill almost to death: but God had mercy on him; and not only on him but on me, so that I might not have grief on grief.
2:27 他实在是病了,几乎要死。然而神怜恤他,不但怜恤他,也怜恤我,免得我忧上加忧。
2:28 I have sent him, then, the more gladly, so that when you see him again, you may be happy and I may have the less sorrow.
2:28 所以我越发急速打发他去,叫你们再见他,就可以喜乐,我也可以少些忧愁。
2:29 So take him to your hearts in the Lord with all joy, and give honour to such as he is:
2:29 故此你们要在主里欢欢乐乐地接待他。而且要尊重这样的人。
2:30 Because for the work of Christ he was near to death, putting his life in danger to make your care for me complete.
2:30 因他为作基督的工夫,几乎至死,不顾性命,要补足你们供给我的不及之处。